About us


Our tea recipes, gardening and farming traditions and the farm itself is legacy of grandparents. In 80s science doctors Māra and Jānis Vaivars came to conclusion that the organic farming system is more sustainable, economically sound and even with higher average yield potential. Successful organic farming requires more knowledge and more complex working solutions.

Ragāres were established in 1992. with a goal to test in practice this knowledge and has been organic ever since. In the beginning the first local organic certificate was acquired - 'green certificate' it was followed with EU certificate of organic farming and also one of organic food processing in 2003. Māra and Jānis were among a handful of activists who were assisting in creating and promoting organic farming already when it was not trending nor with any extra financial support. Since 2008 the farm was fully transferred to the new generation, leaving a huge legacy of knowledge that is gradually being used in future development.

Jānis Vaivars

The manager of Ragāres since 2008. Combining the knowledge acquired in Riga State gymnasium No1, gardening school of Bulduri and the University of Latvia with the extensive lifelong knowledge of grandparents and himself, the new vision of Ragāres was created and has been worked on for over 10 years.

Dr. Agr. Māra and Jānis

Enthusiastic people of nature. Both were working in Skrīveri Institute of Farming. Māra's field of work was soil management and fertilization and during Soviet years she included in her research specific test fields for organic farming. One of the movement for organic farming in Latvia.


The main advantage of our herbal teas and spices is that all of the herbs are carefully collected, sorted and divided by hand. Thus we can fully separate damaged and unhealthy plants, stems and everything else with lower therapeutic, visual and taste value. Also the mixing and packaging of finished products is done by hand. This results in dried herbs both medically as potent as possible and visually as beautiful as they can be. Whole leaves, buds and shoots, undivided flowers and petals. Each leave of the different herbs will have its own unique shade of green, all recognizable both in package and in tea pot - just like in the meadows, forests and fields. Flowers sometimes even look more stunning and colorful dried than in nature. Most importantly we can evenly pack the brittle leaves and flowers in very complex combinations.

Our level of quality is currently unattainable in any automated faction, thus we are unique in our practice based on the experience of multiple generations. More shredded the herbs and smaller particles, the higher content of low-value parts of plants as overgrown or damaged leaves, stems etc, the lower is the value of the end product and its taste and natural color is less intense.

Herbs are dried under controlled conditions in particularly dry air at temperature regime under 35*C and the vegetables, fruits and berries at under 40*C. The low temperature and quick and efficient drying method allows preservation of significantly higher levels of biologically active substances, flavors, scents and beautiful colors. This is extremely important for herb drying.

The tea recipes is an impressive legacy from grandmother. Impossible combination of passion and rich life experience. They are designed for each tea based on a group of medical properties according to pharmacology and people medicine. Only according to these properties the taste is created and name chosen. Every herb has its own reason to be in the product. As a result we have created great every day use teas with unique tastes which in addition will have its own particular medical focus.

what is Ehinacea vitamin tea?

Tasty daily tea. Coneflower and willowherb contribute to the strength of the organisms immunity. Wild black currant and blackberry, stinging nettle and sea-buckthorn leaves create the unique taste and have very high content of wellness and health enhancing minerals and nutrients.
